Sunday, May 18, 2008

I'll bet you a dollar...

So I'm gonna guess that you did not participate in or overhear any of the following exchanges this weekend:

While sorting through a bag of hand-me-downs, Hubs pulls out a sky blue shirt with a wierd paisley print.

"This is kind of cool, huh LA?"
"Uh, dude. You're not a pimp."
"I thought you wanted me to dress up more?"
"I don't want you to dress like a pimp more, no."
"This isn't a pimp shirt."
"Mmm-kay. You're not Clay Aiken either. Or a member of Rascal Flatts."
"You're no fun."
"VEEEE-TO, dude. VETO."

I was just thinking it might be nice for him to wear a sweater sometime. Or even a shirt with no stains.
According to a close friend of Hubs's family, one of our presidential hopefuls may very well be the Anti-Christ. She wasn't making a questionable joke--she is actually quite concerned and was putting the issue on the prayer list today. I passed on Sunday School this morning.
I watched a Medicare-aged woman kick butt at Wii Sports Bowling last night. Her opponent was an equally aged man who wears his pants about three inches below his nipples. Her celebratory response to her big win?

"Suck on THAT, jackass!!"

You soooo wanna come hang out with us.


Jenn said...

Umm....yeah. I still want to come hang with you. Pretty Please??

I suck at Wii Sports. But you know that wing that flaps under most women's upper arm...Wii Tennis just might make it go away! I'll keep you posted!

Mrs. Red said...

Heeheehee!! Dude...I would fit right in with you guys. LMAO at the little old lady.

Anonymous said...

LOL. I do wanna hang out with you guys, I really do!

Steph said...

LOL! I wanna come hang out!